Advanced Laser Skin Center

blue map icon 3168 Danville Blvd., Suite B, Alamo, CA 94507

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Skin Growths



Dr. Michael J. Tomcik,M.D., is a highly skilled, board certified dermatologist with over 35 years of experience.


Warts are skin growths caused by a viral infection in the top layer of the skin. There are several different kinds of warts and multiple options for removal. Many warts are successfully treated with over the counter medications. If you are not sure that what you have is actually a wart, you should consult with a dermatologist before self-treating. A smaller percent of patients with warts experience reoccurrence in spite of multiple over the counter treatments. Dr. Tomcik specializes in highly effective, painless treatments for these highly resistant, reoccurring benign growths.

Get In Touch

 3168 Danville Blvd., Suite B
Alamo, California 94507



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